Portray your passion

Into photography, tree fort architecting or glassblowing? Show it off in your background!  We see amazing images focused on faces. But it’s great to mix it up with a picture of your passion.

Here are a few of our favorites. We’re lucky to see pages like these every day.

Does your about.me page display your passion? Share it here in the comments!

7 responses to Portray your passion

  1. My passion is to creatively exist. I want to impact everything and help everyone actively create a positive future.

  2. Great idea! My profile shows me as “thinker”. I suppose that does the trick. But, I like Mike Benson’s. Any time you can have someone topless you’re sure to get higher ratings 🙂

  3. joe elkjer

    @lauraglu it changes daily though. sometimes many times a day. go with the flow. 😉

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